


ServMan FAQ

What You Need to Know About ServMan

Does ServMan provide a balance sheet, since this would, in theory, replace QuickBooks?

Yes. We provide a full general ledger accounting system with a variety of financial statement reports, including income statements, balance sheet, etc.

Yes. You can book all assets and their respective values on the general ledger, as well as journal entries for depreciation amounts. Note that a depreciation module is not provided to calculate depreciation. This would be handled outside the system and the depreciation values would then be journaled on the general ledger.

Yes. You can do journal entries for any desired transactions. System security controls which ServMan users have this ability.

Yes. You can deactivate inventory items, but they will NOT disappear from customer history.

Yes. ServMan allows unlimited separate companies to be run using the same set of concurrent user licenses if all companies are run from the same server. Each company would have its own general ledger and its own financial reporting.

ServMan provides very robust user security tools that will allow you to restrict an individual user or group of users from seeing or doing whatever you desire.

ServMan offers comprehensive technical support as an integral part of our software. Technical support includes assistance related to questions on the installation and operational use of our software, assistance in identifying and verifying the causes of suspected errors in the software, and providing workarounds and fixes for identified software errors. Our goal is to provide our customers with rapid and reliable service. To do this, we provide a variety of technical support methods for our software including one-on-one telephone support, an online Knowledge Base, periodic training events, user conferences and electronic periodicals.

When taking a support call, our technician’s goal is to attempt to resolve your problem while you are on the phone. If the issue cannot be resolved immediately, the technician will document your situation and create a support ticket for follow-up. Our goal is to resolve all support issues rapidly, with no issues remaining unaddressed beyond three business days. However, critical issues that significantly impact a customer’s ability to conduct operations, and for which there is no programmatic workaround, are always handled immediately and remain a top priority until they are resolved.

Yes. We provide very robust note tools on virtually all records in ServMan (i.e. Client/Prospect accounts, orders, quotes, jobs, Purchase Orders, etc.). More importantly, a “To Do” can be created from a note and assigned to the responsible party with required due dates, and there is full management visibility on such outstanding duties to ensure accountability. Employees can also log time to such activities if desired to track your administrative labor usage.

Yes. ServMan provides strong sales and use tax management tools based on customer location as a standard feature.

Job codes are unlimited in ServMan, and you can have multiple jobs on a single account.

Yes. You can set default billing terms for each client which can be overridden on specific transactions if desired. The terms will be recognized on whatever invoicing method you use. ServMan supports a wide variety of billing methods including direct bill, statement billing, progress (installment) billing, AIA billing, recurring billing and more.

Yes. Quotes represent leads in ServMan. A quote can be assigned to an employee and scheduled much like a service order can be assigned and scheduled to a technician. We have a variety of standard reports for managing and tracking quotes and sales results. When a quote is sold, it can be converted to an order or job with a right click, which carries all sold items from the quote to the order/job without the need to re-enter anything. The original quote is retained in history after conversion.

Yes. We track both the source of the original customer AND the source of all opportunities that are received. We have standard reporting that provides insight into your marketing results by showing a return on investment based on the amount of invoices and dollars generated from each source versus the cost of the respective marketing campaign.

Progress/installment billing is fully supported in ServMan. Access to progress/installment payment information can be controlled via our robust user security tools.

Tax could be allocated across all installment invoices based on the tax for the total sale and number of installment payments. This would be provided in the development of your invoice formats during the ServMan implementation.

Yes. You can print/reprint any document from the customer record and deliver it via your SMTP email system. We will review this in our workflow discovery to streamline the process based on your needs.

ServMan supports batch printing for a variety of documents including invoices and contracts. We would discuss this in detail during workflow discovery and configure the system accordingly.

Yes. We have a very comprehensive inventory management system, including physical inventory and cycle counts. Inventory valuation reports can be run for any date, including past dates, in ServMan.

We typically start the project immediately upon contract signing. This can change if other prospects commit to their projects ahead of you.

No. We would ask that you have a dedicated resource to work alongside our project manager to ensure required tasks are completed, but it is not a full-time commitment. In general, you can expect the project lead on your side to spend 40-60 hours spread over the course of 4 months. There is some heavier involvement at the beginning of the project related to workflow discovery and data migration which will taper off until we are closer to go-live and require transactional testing on your side, at which point the project resource will be busier.

We do not recommend running parallel systems after you go live in ServMan. You would be essentially running parallel systems during the implementation while you are doing transactional testing in ServMan (i.e. you have individuals perform some duties in our testing system that are not “live” transactions), but you are using your existing system for live transactions during this ramp up.

The SQL database belongs to you and you will have direct, unfettered access to it always. We do not block access to your data.

The customizations you require are typically part of the implementation scope and in place when you start using the system. If you desire any customizations after go-live, we will provide a quote for the requested work which would be billable as professional services at our then current hourly rate. The tools that are used to customize the system are provided with the system. You do have the ability to do your own customizations if you have someone on staff who has some programming experience. We can also provide training in this development environment if you have someone who would like to learn to use the customization tools. In any event, do not think of customizations in terms of their cost. Instead, ascertain the return on investment that the proposed customization will bring to you in higher efficiency and/or cost reduction through automation. This will more than justify its price. Most importantly, you do not sacrifice the ability to take core software updates and upgrades no matter how many customizations are made to your ServMan system.

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